We actually had NO idea what to expect, and it was in the middle of a winery in Contermanskloof which is not close to Cape Town. So we just kind of decided to try something new, and my lovely roommates Jess, Amanda, Callie, Taryn and our friend Nicole all went. We took a cab there, and as we were driving there I thought we were in California. There were outdoor shopping centers like CA, beautiful weather, beautiful houses on a river, it was just gorgeous and very California-esque. As we get closer to the winery, we are getting into a more and more rural area…and the thought that was going through everyone’s minds was…”where the hell are we going??” We finally arrive, and you cannot bring glass inside the festival, and Callie had brought a 6 pack of beer, so we all had to chug a beer in order to get in, which was a nice start to the festivities, haha. Ohh, did I mention that this was an overnight festival? As in, Ariana camped…yes for the first time in my life. So we get there, and see the camping area and proceed to set up our tent. Let me back up…so me and my roomies are all in the mountain and ski club at UCT, and so we have access to be able to rent tents, and rock climbing gear and what not, so on Friday we went to rent a tent, and the guy told us that he was technically not allowed to rent us a tent for parties on wineries, but he would do it for us. Then as we began to set it up…it was broken…haha. First of all, we look like six silly American girls who cannot put up a tent, and people were literally just watching us and yelling from a distance watching us struggle…I admit we must have looked funny. Then finally some nice men came over to help us, and they saw that it was indeed broken and that we were not stupid, and they macgyvered it some how so that it stood up. Success!
After that whole ordeal, we decided to go check out the music part of the festival. There was an eating area where there were different vendors selling clothing, paintings, Royale had a booth selling their delish burgers, and it was just rather sophisticated, and SO San Francisco. Honestly…that was just how Outside Lands was this year. Then we continued onto another field, and there was a main stage, next to a Lagoon and it was picturesque and beautiful. We got a few drinks, and danced our hearts out. The music was great dancing music, though I think everyone else there was on a LOT of drugs, and in crazy Alice in Wonderland type costumes, lots of mad hatters and Alice’s and even tea cups. At some point we decided we needed to eat, so we went to one of the tents, and I got a DELISH veggie pizza, and met up with some other kids from our school who came, and then we went back to the dance floor! (Peep the pics) At some point, I think it was about 11pm, we decided that we needed a nap. So we went back to our tent, and our one sleeping bag (what were we thinking?) and all went to sleep. At about 1:30am, our school friends came and shook the tent and told us to get up and come play! So Amanda, Callie, Taryn, Nicole, and Callie’s friend Lior and I all went to see what was going on in the fields. The main stage had closed but there was a farm house that had a sign on it that said “Munged Bean Shebeen” and there was a DJ inside and they were selling drinks outside, so we danced in the Munged Bean Shebeen for a while, and then headed back to the tent, made friends with some people in the tents next to us and layed in the grass looking at stars for a while. The stars were beautiful out in the open space of the winery, and I saw the Southern Cross constellation for the first time! I am in astronomy, and learned about it and you can only see it from the Southern Hemisphere, so I felt like I was kind of studying…haha. Then Amanda, Nicole and I decided that we needed to go back to the Munged Bean Shebeen, and this is around 4am, and we hung out there for a while, made some more friends, and then eventually went back to our tent around 6 am and slept for a hot minute. It was a 3 person tent, and I think there were 7 people in it…no blankets and uncomfortable, and then around 8am, it got so hot I couldn’t even be in the tent anymore, haha. So we got up, ate breakfast and headed back to Cape Town to take a long nap. The Tea Party was wonderful, and enjoying all of the fun that Cape Town has to offer :)
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