For example, on Saturday after the biscuit mill, it was so beautiful and actually HOT that me and the girls decided to take a picnic to Kierstenbosch gardens, a botanical garden in Newlands, and it was one of the best ideas we've had in a long time. We went to the grocery store and got some bread, cheese, hummus, guac, chips, cookies and took ourselves to Kierstenbosch.
Its kind of an expensive cab ride, so that wasnt the best, but when we got there it was some kind of botanical holiday (??) and we got in for free! Even more of a great idea at this point...
we just sat and shot the shit for a couple of hours, laughing til we cried (the usual for me) and munched, and enjoyed the natural beautiful scenery Cape Town has to offer. Callie is leaving in less than two weeks, and its been weighing on us a bit.
On a more positive note, finished my 4th exam today!! One more on the 3rd of June, but in between now and then I'll be going on a quick vacation to Durban with 9 of my lovely roommates. Looking forward to some R&R from studying, and enjoying all of SA while I have the time.
ALSO...Sunday night we went to a sushi restaurant called Beluga. It is known for its half priced sushi on sundays and it was a great great great deal for an awesome amount of food, and a great atmosphere. It was actually a really nice restaurant (I dont know what I was expecting) and we just ate our hearts content of raw fish and it was delectable! Here's a quick pic of the five of us, from left to right, Amanda, Jess, Callie, Taryn, and me: